Altona A1 Auto Services

17 Years in Operation
17 Years in Operation
1 Qualified Staff
1 Qualified Staff
5 Years a Member
5 Years a Member

About Con & the team

Con is the Workshop Manager
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Looking for Reliable Auto Services in Altona?

Altona A1 Auto Services, situated in Altona, Melbourne, provides comprehensive automotive solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of vehicle owners. With 17 years of industry experience, they are well-regarded for delivering high-quality mechanical repairs and expert servicing across Victoria.

What Services Does Altona A1 Auto Services Provide?

Specialising in a wide range of automotive services, Altona A1 Auto Services ensures every customer receives professional and efficient care. Their offerings include:

Logbook and General Servicing: Maintain your vehicle’s warranty and keep it running smoothly with expert logbook and routine servicing.

Mechanical Repairs: From brake systems to clutch and suspension issues, their specialised technicians handle it all with precision.

Air Conditioning Service: Enjoy a comfortable ride with air conditioning repairs and servicing designed for all vehicle types.

Auto Glass and Battery Services: Whether it’s windshield repairs or battery replacements, their team has the tools and expertise needed to get you back on the road.

Additional Repairs: Their comprehensive services also include cooling systems, transmission repairs, roadworthy inspections, timing belt replacements, and smash repairs.

Professional Expertise and Advanced Facilities

Known for their dedication to top-tier automotive care, Altona A1 Auto Services employs a certified and experienced team capable of handling various vehicle requirements. For those seeking “auto services Altona” or “mechanical repairs Melbourne,” the team’s in-depth knowledge and attention to detail are unmatched.

Their facilities are equipped with the latest tools and technology, ensuring all jobs, whether small or complex, are performed to the highest standards. From pre-purchase vehicle inspections to engine and auto electrical work, Altona A1 Auto Services tackles every task with expertise.

Amenities Designed with Customer Comfort in Mind

Altona A1 Auto Services places great importance on customer satisfaction. Their workshop offers convenient amenities such as a waiting lounge and loan car options for customers who need to stay mobile while their vehicle is being serviced. Tea and coffee facilities further enhance the overall experience, adding a touch of comfort to routine auto care.

Why Choose Altona A1 Auto Services?

For those in search of “car servicing VIC,” Altona A1 Auto Services represents the perfect blend of quality, reliability, and customer-focused care. With an extensive service offering, modern facilities, and a highly skilled team, they have established themselves as a trusted name in Melbourne’s automotive industry.


Logbook & Basic Servicing
Air Conditioning
Auto Glass
Smash Repair
Auto Electrical
Pre-Purchase Inspections
Roadworthy & Safety Certificates
Suspension / Steering
Timing Belt/Chain


17 Slough Road, Altona, VIC


In Store

Loan Cars
Waiting Lounge
Drop Off Service
Tea & Coffee Facilities
Service Warranty
Key drop off box

Trading Hours


8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


8:00 AM - 5:00 PM






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AutoGuru acknowledges and pays respects to the people of the Yugambeh language region of the Gold Coast where we are based and all their descendants both past and present. We also acknowledge the many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ancestors of the land in which our network of auto service providers operate.

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