Automotive Distributors
30 Years in Operation
1 Qualified Staff
5 Service Bays
9 Years a Member
About the team
Looking for Reliable Automotive Services in Chandler, QLD?
Automotive Distributors, located at 124 Bacton Road, Chandler, Queensland, offers a comprehensive range of automotive services to keep vehicles in optimal condition. With over 30 years of experience, they have established a reputation for quality workmanship and customer satisfaction.
What Services Does Automotive Distributors Offer?
Automotive Distributors provides a variety of services, including:
Logbook and Basic Servicing: Ensuring vehicles adhere to manufacturer specifications.
Mechanical Repairs: Addressing issues with brakes, clutch, suspension, steering, transmission, and more.
Auto Air Conditioning: Providing re-gas and repairs to maintain comfort.
Auto Electrical Services: Offering diagnostics and repairs for electrical components.
Pre-Purchase Inspections and Roadworthy Certificates: Conducting thorough checks for used vehicles.
Tyre and Wheel Services: Including wheel alignments, tyre rotations, and puncture repairs.
Battery Services: Supplying and installing quality batteries.
Windscreen Repairs and Replacements: Addressing chips and cracks before they become bigger problems.
Why Choose Automotive Distributors Over a General Mechanic?
Opting for Automotive Distributors ensures:
Experienced Staff: Over 30 years in operation with qualified staff.
Comprehensive Services: A wide range of services under one roof.
Quality Assurance: Commitment to quality workmanship and customer satisfaction.
Competitive Pricing: Offering to beat a competitor’s price by 10% if you bring them their ad or quote for the same job.
What Can Customers Expect During Their Visit?
Clients can anticipate:
Professional Service: Friendly and helpful staff committed to customer satisfaction.
Transparent Communication: Clear explanations of services and pricing.
Comfortable Amenities: Waiting lounge with tea and coffee facilities.
Convenient Options: Services like key drop-off boxes and warranties on services provided.
For those seeking reliable and comprehensive automotive services in Chandler, Automotive Distributors stands out as a trusted choice.
Contact Us
Logbook & Basic Servicing
Air Conditioning
Auto Glass
Smash Repair
Auto Electrical
Pre-Purchase Inspections
Roadworthy & Safety Certificates
Suspension / Steering
Timing Belt/Chain
124 Bacton Road, Chandler, QLD
In Store
Waiting Lounge
Drop Off Service
Service Warranty
Key drop off box
Trading Hours
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
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