Fastlane Paint & Panel

2 Years in Operation
2 Years in Operation
2 Qualified Staff
2 Qualified Staff
5 Years a Member
5 Years a Member

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Looking for expert automotive refinishing and panel repair services in Rocklea, Brisbane?

Fastlane Paint & Panel, located at 7 Lillian Avenue, Rocklea, Queensland, offers a comprehensive range of services, including:

Small to Medium Collision Repairs (S.M.A.R.T. Repairs): Utilising advanced techniques to expedite the repair process, ensuring vehicles are returned to customers up to 50% faster than traditional methods.

Custom Refinishing: Collaborating with both businesses and private customers to bring unique vehicle customisation visions to life, employing extensive research and development to achieve high-quality, precise results.

Bicycle Refinishing: Applying automotive-grade refinishing techniques to bicycles, delivering exceptional finishes that meet high standards.

Chrome Deletes: Offering superior adhesion and finish quality for chrome delete services, surpassing industry standards.

Fastlane Paint & Panel is committed to excellence by continually updating skills and aiming to exceed customer expectations through high-quality repairs and paintwork. They prioritise effective communication, providing clear explanations of repair methods and timeframes, and ensuring timely responses to customer inquiries.

The facility is equipped with quality spray painting equipment, including spray booths and baking ovens, to deliver professional results. They utilise premium PPG paint systems, designed for Australian conditions and recognised globally in automotive refinishing technologies.


Smash Repair


7 Lillian Avenue, Rocklea, QLD

Trading Hours


7:00 AM - 5:00 PM














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