Need a Mercedes-Benz Valente car service?
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What else should I know about Mercedes-Benz Valente?
Mercedes-Benz Valente car servicing costs can vary significantly when comparing local independent workshops, franchise servicing chains, and dealerships. Our car service guide provides a comprehensive list of scheduled service intervals for logbook servicing, the work required, and the cost. Simply select your Mercedes Valente, the car service you need, and then add your postcode or town/suburb.
What are some common Mercedes-Benz Valente repairs?
- Oxygen sensor replacement
- Thermostat Replacement
- Timing Chain Replacement
- Transmission position sensor replacement
- Fuel system clean
- Front cover oil leak repair
- Exhaust manifold gasket replacement
- Windscreen Replacement
- Manual selector cable replacement
- Tyre replacement
Recent Mercedes-Benz jobs
Sue M, Mercedes-Benz Valente
reviewing Max Mechanics and Mufflers
June 2023
Thank you Max, I appreciate your help and service provided for our vehicle. You called us and gave us and update on what urgently required fixing/replacing while taking into account our budget. But making sure safety was the most important with the vehicle.
Arnold G, Mercedes-Benz Valente
reviewing Bridgestone Select Tyre & Auto Clarkson
April 2024
The vehicle was thoroughly checked and an extensive report was given on any future preventative maintenance.