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Shri Hari Tech Mobile Mechanic

Pretty perfect, as far as I'm concerned. 100%. I couldn't ask for, or want, more. Highly recommended. Here's why: arrived a couple of minutes early; charged one of the most reasonable prices I could find; had excellent communication; was efficient and effective with the car servicing; and was good at listening. He conducted himself in an ethical, respectful way, with honesty and integrity - no unnecessary add-ons, fees, charges, etc. I feel Roshan is someone I can trust. I will be sticking with him as long as he continues to show these exemplary personal qualities and impeccable conduct and workmanship, and he is the one I will be recommending to other people as well. Best mechanic I've ever found, and I've tried a heap, looking for someone good. Very well done, Roshan. You are a high-quality human being, offering top-quality service. Thank you for your assistance, and I look forward to seeing you again next service.

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