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SuperBroz Garage

I booked in our little Hyundai Getz in with Rony (pronounced Ronny) the Owner of SuperBroz Garage, to have it's Air-conditioner repaired, as it was struggling to cool, in the current Summer heat. Upon arrival, I found Rony's Garage to be very clean, and well appointed, and well attended, with other customers Vehicles already up on the Hoists. I was personally greeted by Rony who immediately offered me a free Coffee, and asked if I was wanting to wait, for the job to be done, to which I replied yes, and so he immediately, and personally, attended to my car and very quickly, (and importantly) correctly, diagnosed, the likely cause of our car's AC's 'poor cooling' issue, and suggested re-Gassing it, complete with a UV-Fluorescent Dye which would then be able to show up, the source of any, possible, system leaks. After the re-Gassing was quickly completed he then let the car and the AC run for 20 more minutes while observing it for any evidence of any leaks, and with none being found the whole job, was over and done with and completed, in less than an hour, and I was able to again be on my way with a now, lovely, very cool, and well functioning AC system. Rony was very knowledgeable, and was more than happy to explain everything to me about his planned course of repair actions and the reasons for doing them, and he was absolutely, correct, first-time, with his own diagnosis of the underlying cause, of the issue, and the actions required to rectify the problem. His quoted Price for the job was also very reasonable and so I am now, another well satisfied and, new, customer, of SuperBroz Garage, which I am now also very happy to recommend, to any others who are looking for a very knowledgeable, very courteous, and importantly, accurate, car repair 'professional' in the Brendale locality.

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