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Mastertouch Automotives

I took my car in to have its air conditioning system re-gassed. The mechanic on duty confirmed my booking and gave me a timeframe for completion. I could see a customer waiting room, but that did not matter because I took myself off to the Marrickville Metro shopping centre, only a 13-minute walk away. This job was performed within the stated timeframe and for the agreed price – so no complaints there. My only reservation is that I was not issued with a tax invoice. I did request, and receive, a receipt for the debit card transaction, but nothing more was offered. When dealing with other, albeit larger, auto repair companies, I am accustomed to getting a printed record of the work that was done, the vehicle's odometer reading, and the amount paid for the work. This can be of help if I later discover an issue and need to take the car back. Overall, however, I had a positive experience with Mastertouch Automotive.

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