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What else should I know about Infiniti M?
Infiniti M car servicing costs can vary significantly when comparing local independent workshops, franchise servicing chains, and dealerships. Our car service guide provides a comprehensive list of scheduled service intervals for logbook servicing, the work required, and the cost. Simply select your Infiniti M, the car service you need, and then add your postcode or town/suburb.
Infiniti M service intervals
What are some common Infiniti M repairs?
- Exhaust pressure control valve replacement
- Paintless dent removal
- Clutch master cylinder replacement
- Oil pump replacement
- Engine rebuild/recondition
- Car window tint removal
- Scratch repair
- Indicator bulb replacement
- Manual selector cable replacement
- Thermostat Replacement
Recent Infiniti jobs
John S, Infiniti M
reviewing Ausmec RWC and Mechanics Mobile Brisbane
February 2022
I have been using Ausmec RWC and Mechanics Mobile Brisbane for a while now and have found their service to be very good. From the moment I get the appointment date and time confirmation, it is all in their hands and I feel the difference in my car after they have completed their service and work. I have no hesitation in recommending them. John
John S, Infiniti M
reviewing Ausmec RWC and Mechanics Mobile Brisbane
August 2022
Ausmec RWC and Mechanics Mobile have been my go to car servicing and repair service provider and I have not been disappointed, only content. I like the methodical approach they provide to clients like me and where there was additional work to be done, it would be through a fresh quote with transparent pricing. They come and do all the work at home which is superb.